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Node.js introduction

What is Node.js?

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
   We can draw analogy between JavaScript runtime & Java Virtual Machine. A ‘virtual machine’ refers to the software-driven emulation of a given computer system. There are many types of virtual machines, and they are classified by how precisely they are able to emulate or substitute for actual physical machines.
A ‘system virtual machine’, for example, provides a complete emulation of a platform on which an operating system can be executed.e.g. Virtual Box & Parallels
A ‘process virtual machine’, on the other hand, is less fully-functional and can run one program or process. Wine is a process virtual machine that allows you to run Windows applications on a Linux machine, but does not provide an entire Windows OS on a Linux box.
There are other JavaScript runtime than V8 too. Notably few are Microsoft’s Chakra & Spider Monkey. But Node.js which an open source project stick to V8.
Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. Node.js' package ecosystem, npm, is the largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world.
An event can be defined as "a significant change in state.

What is callback function?

A reference to executable code, or a piece of executable code, that is passed as an argument to other code.
  Let’s explore real life example. You go to Pizza Store order quite few pizzas & Cokes, now the pizza can’t be made at speed of thought so the counter guy will ask you about your contact number. No need for you to wait at counter & you can happily do something else. Once pizza got ready pizza counter guy will ring you that’s kind of callback.
function PizzaMaker(orderandContactDetailscallback) {
    console.log("time consuming task of making pizza based on order, blocked execution till  It finish");

    //ring the guy ,hey your pizza is ready

Calling PizzaMaker the  function with callback as follows
var  _orderandContactDetails = {"type":"onion paneer","contact":"34535456436","extraCheese":"yes","takeAwayOrder":"yes"};
PizzaMaker(orderandContactDetails ,function(error,result){
     console.log("take a refund & go to other restaurant");
     console.log("take a home yummy pizza");

Here PizzaMaker is host function & below anonymous function is callback function which we are passing to host function.

      console.log(“take a refund & go to other restaurant”);
      console.log(“take a home yummy pizza”);

  Often last parameter of host function is used for callback function while callback function’s first parameter is used for passing error & second parameter used to pass result. It entirely depends upon host function implementation. It is not binding to keep callback function bi parametered or maintain order of parameter.
W.r.t. our example, Event of finished making pizza order is trigger to callback. Callback is one of the most basic approaches in event driven model. Many native functions in node.js core library do implement callback. Though there is other approach like promise too.

Asynchronous Nature of Node.js:
Consider below example
const fs = require('fs');

console.log('Before loop');
fs.readFile('./sample.txt', (err, data) => {
  if (err) throw err;
  else {
     console.log("File Content");
console.log('After loop');

C:\Users\Sangram\projects\tut_async>node index.js
Before loop
After loop
File Content

Here sequence of execution is not followed in traditional programming model text after loop would have been last.
C:\Users\Sangram\projects\tut_async>node index.js
Before loop
File Content
After loop

Here we are reading sample.txt file which is basically an IO operation.IO operation can take long time to finish based on task it executing. If next lines in sequence wait till completion of IO operation then it becoming blocking but here IO operation do not block execution of next line. Similarly HTTP Requests, Database requests are also implemented in non-blocking way in node.js.Non-blocking nature gives node.js edge over other and make it more efficient.
Node.js provide minimal feature out of box for implementing additional features one need to install concern package. Due to this approach node.js has lesser memory footprint. Which makes node.js lightweight?
For Loop & While loop
An execution of for loop & while loop is synchronous that means until execution of loop block finishes no line below will be executed. See below example
console.log('Before loop');
console.log("For loop");
for(var i=0;i < 5;i++){
console.log("While loop");
var j=0
while(j < 5){
console.log('After loop');

C:\Users\Sangram\projects\tut_async>node index.js
Before loop
For loop
While loop
After loop

Here loop block executed in sequential order.
Word of caution while mixing Blocking and Non-Blocking Code:
Consider below code.
const fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile('./sample.txt', (err, data) => {
  if (err) throw err;
    console.log("File Content");
Here readFile function is executing in non-blocking mode so, before reading sample.txt finishes the unlinkSync function get called which is deleting the very file we are trying to read.
You can correct simply by calling unlinkSync inside callback of readFile function.
const fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile('./sample.txt', (err, data) => {
  if (err) throw err;
    console.log("File Content");


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