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Express.js:CRUD Operation on MySQL using package mysql2 and async ,await

Continuing from our previous project of express.js & mysql used in

Previous post at

today we will see how
to use async ,await with mysql2 package.

Lets add poolAwait.js

content of poolAwait.js

const express = require("express");
const router = express.Router();
const mysql2 = require("mysql2/promise");

async function getMysqlPromisifiedPoolConnection() {
const pool = await mysql2.createPool({
host: "localhost",
user: "root",
database: "demo",
password: "sangram#81",
waitForConnections: true,
connectionLimit: 10,
maxIdle: 10, // max idle connections, the default value is the same as `connectionLimit`
idleTimeout: 60000, // idle connections timeout, in milliseconds, the default value 60000
queueLimit: 0,
enableKeepAlive: true,
keepAliveInitialDelay: 0,
const connection = await pool.getConnection();
return connection;

/* insert a new food item */"/insert", async function (req, res, next) {
let pool = await getMysqlPromisifiedPoolConnection();
let foodItemName =;
let foodItemDesc = req.body.description;
let foodItemPrice = req.body.price;

try {
let [results] = await pool.execute(
"INSERT INTO foodItem(name,description,price) values(?,?,?)",
[foodItemName, foodItemDesc, foodItemPrice]
message: "food item saved successfully",
error: "",
data: results,
success: true,
} catch (err) {
message: "unable to save food item",
error: err.message.toString(),
data: [],
success: false,

/* get all food item */
router.get("/getAll", async function (req, res, next) {
let pool = await getMysqlPromisifiedPoolConnection();

try {
let [results, fields] = await pool.execute(
"select * from foodItem where isDeleted=0"
//we dont want certain field in output also want to format date
results = => {
delete elem.isDeleted;
delete elem.deletedOn;
elem.createdOn = new Date(elem.createdOn)
.replace(/T/, " ") // replace T with a space
.replace(/\..+/, "");

return elem;

message: "all food items retrived successfully",
error: "",
data: results,
success: true,
} catch (err) {
message: "unable to retreive food items",
error: err.message.toString(),
data: [],
success: false,

/* get all food item */
router.get("/getById", async function (req, res, next) {
let foodItemId =;
let pool = await getMysqlPromisifiedPoolConnection();

try {
let [results] = await pool.execute(
"select * from foodItem where isDeleted=0 and id=?",
results = => {
elem.createdOn = new Date(elem.createdOn)
.replace(/T/, " ") // replace T with a space
.replace(/\..+/, "");

return elem;

//their are chances that the id doesn't fetch any record
message: results.length
? "food item retrived successfully"
: "no food item found",
error: "",
data: results,
success: true,
} catch (err) {
message: "unable to retrieve a food item",
error: err.message.toString(),
data: [],
success: false,

//update food item all columns
router.put("/update", async function (req, res, next) {
let foodItemId =;
let foodItemName =;
let foodItemDesc = req.body.description;
let foodItemPrice = req.body.price;
let pool = await getMysqlPromisifiedPoolConnection();

try {
let [results] = await pool.execute(
"UPDATE foodItem set name=?,description=?,price=? where id=?",
[foodItemName, foodItemDesc, foodItemPrice, foodItemId]
message: results.affectedRows
? "food item updated successfully"
: "food item not found",
error: "",
data: results,
success: true,
} catch (err) {
message: "unable to update food item",
error: err.message.toString(),
data: [],
success: false,

//update foot item price
router.patch("/update/price", async function (req, res, next) {
let foodItemId =;
let foodItemPrice = req.body.price;

let pool = await getMysqlPromisifiedPoolConnection();

try {
let [results] = await pool.execute(
"UPDATE foodItem set price=? where id=?",
[foodItemPrice, foodItemId]
message: results.affectedRows
? "food item price updated successfully"
: "food item not found",
error: "",
data: results,
success: true,
} catch (err) {
message: "unable to update food item price",
error: err.message.toString(),
data: [],
success: false,

//delete food item
router.delete("/delete", async function (req, res, next) {
let foodItemId =;
let pool = await getMysqlPromisifiedPoolConnection();

try {
let [results] = await pool.execute("Delete from foodItem where id=?", [
message: results.affectedRows
? "food item deleted successfully"
: "food item not found",
error: "",
data: results,
success: true,
} catch (err) {
message: "unable to delete food item",
error: err.message.toString(),
data: [],
success: false,

//mark as deleted not actually deleting
router.delete("/delete/soft", async function (req, res, next) {
let foodItemId =;
let pool = await getMysqlPromisifiedPoolConnection();

try {
let [results] = await pool.execute(
"Update foodItem set isDeleted=1,deletedOn=now() where isDeleted=0 and id=?",
message: results.affectedRows
? "food item marked as deleted successfully"
: "food item not found or already marked as deleted",
error: "",
data: results,
success: true,
} catch (err) {
message: "unable to mark food item as deleted",
error: err.message.toString(),
data: [],
success: false,

//search based on keyword
router.get("/search", async function (req, res, next) {
let keyword = "%" + req.query.keyword + "%";
let pool = await getMysqlPromisifiedPoolConnection();
let [results] = await pool.execute(
"SELECT * from foodItem where description like ?;",

try {
message: results.length
? "food item searched successfully"
: "food item not found",
error: "",
data: results,
success: true,
} catch (err) {
message: "unable to search food item",
error: err.message.toString(),
data: [],
success: false,

module.exports = router;

here we are using mysql2 differently

const mysql2 = require("mysql2/promise");

Now we need to get connection for that we have created a function

async function getMysqlPromisifiedPoolConnection() {
const pool = await mysql2.createPool({
host: "localhost",
user: "root",
database: "demo",
password: "sangram#81",
waitForConnections: true,
connectionLimit: 10,
maxIdle: 10, // max idle connections, the default value is the same as `connectionLimit`
idleTimeout: 60000, // idle connections timeout, in milliseconds, the default value 60000
queueLimit: 0,
enableKeepAlive: true,
keepAliveInitialDelay: 0,
const connection = await pool.getConnection();
return connection;

In each route we call this function to get connection.

lets see how we can use this function to run query.

Consider following code snippet of insert route.

let pool = await getMysqlPromisifiedPoolConnection();
let foodItemName =;
let foodItemDesc = req.body.description;
let foodItemPrice = req.body.price;

let [results] = await pool.execute(
"INSERT INTO foodItem(name,description,price) values(?,?,?)",
[foodItemName, foodItemDesc, foodItemPrice]

First we are fetching name,description,price passed from calling this endpoint
being POST api we will get input from request body.As

let foodItemName =;
let foodItemDesc = req.body.description;
let foodItemPrice = req.body.price;

Now we will issue an insert statement into mysql. As

let [results] = await pool.execute(
"INSERT INTO foodItem(name,description,price) values(?,?,?)",
[foodItemName, foodItemDesc, foodItemPrice]

Here in query we have put ? ,that values get replaced from second parameter of
pool.execute statement in order of their occurences in that array the second
parameter. result of pool.execute goes into results varaiable.pool.execute in
other routes also works the same way.

In app.js add

var poolAwaitRouter = require('./routes/poolAwait');


app.use('/poolAwait', poolAwaitRouter);

this will make our routes available at mountpoint /poolAwait.

w.r.t. our insert route it is available at

Complete code of this project is available at

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