going through some basic stuff about design pattern, I come across the Bridge
design pattern & decided to implement it for Logging system.
take is to separate concern about What Is Being Logged & where is being Logged.
application can log errors as well as user actions too. Same time logging can
go to various places like Database, EventLog or a File.
is Code for Classes that implement Logging system as Bridge Design pattern.
Code here is from a console application 'POALoggingAgent' with a class file 'LoggingAgent.cs' & implicitly created entry point i.e. Program.cs.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace POALoggingAgent
of Logging Should be Decoubled from Loggable Message
abstract class LogImplementor
public abstract bool Log(string Message);
//Let us
to change Logging Implementation at any latter moment when new requirement
class LogAbstraction
protected LogImplementor Implementor;
protected string Message;
public LogAbstraction(string Msg)
Message = Msg;
public LogImplementor LogImplementor
Implementor = value;
public virtual bool Log()
return Implementor.Log(Message);
is to be logged an error,a user event,application event etc
class ErrorLogAbstraction : LogAbstraction
Exception LogggbleException;
public ErrorLogAbstraction(Exception exp):base(string.Empty)
LogggbleException = exp;
public override bool Log()
exception object propeties to build */
Message = FormatMessage();
return Implementor.Log(Message);
public string FormatMessage()
Some work on LogggbleException to create formated message and set it to Message
inherited Variable
return "***" + LogggbleException .Message+ "***";
logging was on console
class ConsoleLogImplementor : LogImplementor
public override bool Log(string Message)
- Code To Log Message To Console*/
/*END - Code To Log Message To Console*/
Console.WriteLine("Class:ConsoleLogImplementor,Method:Log,Message:" + Message);
return true;
return false;
to database is new requirement generated
class DbLogImplementor : LogImplementor
public override bool Log(string Message)
- Code To Log Message To DB*/
/*END - Code To Log Message To Db*/
Console.WriteLine("Class:DbLogImplementor,Method:Log,Message:" + Message);
return true;
return false;
Calling above code from our console Application
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace POALoggingAgent
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int i = 0;
int j = 1;
Console.WriteLine("Trying to
Divide 1 by 0,Output = " + Convert.ToString(j / i));
catch (Exception exp)
LogAbstraction LogAb = new ErrorLogAbstraction(exp);
// choose console Logging Implementation
LogAb.LogImplementor = new ConsoleLogImplementor();
choose Database Logging Implementation
LogAb.LogImplementor = new DbLogImplementor();
// Wait
for user
To be Frank, I am
not sure if Bridge Design Pattern is
suitable case for Logging system as there are Singleton & Command, Chain of
Responsibility & Subscriber- Publisher; that are often used with logging system.
Anyone who willing to help me to improve above design of so called Logging
system is more than welcomed!