In Postgres -SQL server whenever we create a new table it
automatically creates a composite Type that corresponds with
structure of table. we can use this type to create a variable ,it can
hold a single row of corresponding table.
In situation where we need to pass whole result-set as parameter
to Postgres function there seems to be no native support in postgres
unlike Microsoft SQL server so converting a existing MSSQL Procedure
to Postgres function become quite a headache.
we can create an equivalent representation of result set in XML or
JSON and pass it to function; inside function we can deserialize this
into result-set for purpose of further operation on result-set that
way we can compensate absence of Table Valued Parameters in Postgres
Along with JSON & XML we can also create an array of
objects from result-set to function as parameter.
Here I will demonstrate this approach with inbuilt Array
functionality of Postgres.
Lets create a Table as follows
CREATE TABLE public."Projects"
id integer NOT NULL,
"createdAt" timestamp with time zone,
"updatedAt" timestamp with time zone,
name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
"UserId" integer
For purpose of demonstration add few records into “Projects”
table with two different user ids say 1 & 2.
Now let’s create a one more table that will used for passing
result-set to our function, function is trivial one it just give
count of rows user wise
CREATE table projectlist
list int[],
user_id int
Now we will use ROW construct to serialize our result-set and save
that as a single row in projectlist table as follows
insert into projectlist(user_id,list)
select 1 "UserId",ARRAY(select id from "Projects"
where "UserId" =1) ;
insert into projectlist(user_id,list)
select 2 "UserId",ARRAY(select id from "Projects"
where "UserId" =2) ;
The Array function will convert values passed to it as an
array e.g if it got 3 records as input 14,15,16 then resultant
value will {14,15,16}. unnest is another Postgres function
that do exactly reverse of it that we will use for de-serialization.
Below is my function that will read the record set
IN list1 projectlist,
IN list2 projectlist)
RETURNS TABLE(user_id int, count bigint) AS
WITH list1_cte AS (
list2_cte AS (
select list1_cte.user_id,count(*) as count from list1_cte group
by list1_cte.user_id
select list2_cte.user_id,count(*) as count from list2_cte group
by list2_cte.user_id;
LANGUAGE plpgsql ;
Now we need to join all dots and call our function by passing
serialized result set.We create two table type variables list1 &
list2 and give them serialized data that we had already inserted into
our table created for same purpose.
After that we will call our function that will return
some records that I am looping using cursor.
DECLARE list1 projectlist;
DECLARE list2 projectlist;
DECLARE cursor_op_record RECORD;
DECLARE cursor_var refcursor;
select p.* into list1 from projectlist p where user_id=1;
select q.* into list2 from projectlist q where user_id=2;
OPEN cursor_var FOR
select user_id,count from
RAISE INFO 'user_id, count';
FETCH cursor_var INTO cursor_op_record;
cursor_op_record.user_id, cursor_op_record.count;
Here our table
projectlist has list column which is just an int[] but we can
also replace it with array of composite type object and pass a single tuple.
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