Postgrest is third party REST API interface for quering postgres SQL server,which let us access data from postgres tables,views & function.Lets explore it further.
First we will download postgrest( For my debian machine I am using ubuntu version of postgrest (postgrest-,Extract it and rename it to just "postgrest",You can preferably move it to "/opt/".
We can run it as follows from Linux Terminal:
cd /opt
./postgrest 'postgres://mypgusername:mypassword@localhost:5432/mypgdb' -a mypgusername -p 2020
Note: Here first argument is jdbc url to our postgres server."mypgusername" is database role & 2020 is port on which Postgrest will run.
role can be "anonymous".
We need some tables to check Postgrest functionality.Lets create below table
create table t_review
review_id uuid,
user_id uuid,
product_id uuid,
review_headline varchar,
verbose_response text,
review_date timestamp without time zone,
status record_status
create table t_review_response
response_id uuid,
review_id uuid,
user_id uuid,
vote smallint,
vote_date timestamp without time zone,
status record_status
Add some dummy data in both tables please keep in mind "review_id" in "t_review_response" should belong to "t_review"
You may need to give access right to this table to user through which postgrest is running
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE t_review TO mypgusername;
GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE ON playground.public.t_review_response to mypgusername;
As some columns are declared of type uuid,to generate new uuid in postgres we might need to add corresponding extension if not already installed.
Now we can read data from any table using GET as follows
API End Point :http://localhost:2020/t_review_response
API Response:
"response_id": "cc19414f-449d-447b-a1ae-d741f2f4e05d",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"user_id": "9b7f5b2d-b35a-4a53-bd50-6b0a69784dad",
"vote": 1,
"vote_date": "2017-06-28T14:36:36.206623",
"status": "active"
"response_id": "e18905d4-5f34-4060-b7fc-fd919849e6ed",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"user_id": "9dd246a6-cf01-4df5-b259-68ca153bdda9",
"vote": -1,
"vote_date": "2017-06-28T14:36:36.206623",
"status": "active"
Where Clause:
a) Equality:
API End Point :http://localhost:2020/t_review_response?vote=eq.-1&review_id=eq.8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9&response_id=eq.75320cf9-e5ca-4844-a2ae-ae6a44466fa9
API Response:
"response_id": "75320cf9-e5ca-4844-a2ae-ae6a44466fa9",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"user_id": "c7de1c3d-0172-44f2-ad92-88bb9eed1918",
"vote": -1,
"vote_date": "2017-06-28T14:36:36.206623",
"status": "active"
b) In clause:
API End Point :http://localhost:2020/t_review_response?response_id=in.cc19414f-449d-447b-a1ae-d741f2f4e05d,e18905d4-5f34-4060-b7fc-fd919849e6ed
API Response:
"response_id": "cc19414f-449d-447b-a1ae-d741f2f4e05d",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"user_id": "9b7f5b2d-b35a-4a53-bd50-6b0a69784dad",
"vote": 1,
"vote_date": "2017-06-28T14:36:36.206623",
"status": "active"
"response_id": "e18905d4-5f34-4060-b7fc-fd919849e6ed",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"user_id": "9dd246a6-cf01-4df5-b259-68ca153bdda9",
"vote": -1,
"vote_date": "2017-06-28T14:36:36.206623",
"status": "active"
c) like Clause:
API End Point :http://localhost:2020/t_review?review_headline=like.*battery*
API Response:
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"user_id": "4ace0309-b355-403f-9777-f046c157a9b0",
"product_id": "be4b2c18-3afb-41ec-9a6b-157be393eb03",
"review_headline": "LG V20 battery backup",
"verbose_response": "Here is my review",
"review_date": "2017-06-28T14:53:46.974368",
"status": "active"
Postgrest uses * instead of % in like queries unlike sql queries.
d) not like clause:
API End Point : http://localhost:2020/t_review?*battery*
API Response:
"review_id": "016b0891-5411-4f40-b0f9-c6a036f309f9",
"user_id": "7b326e04-3f12-45a6-9ec2-1015491fccce",
"product_id": "50514530-e1a7-4904-b4f4-4244d3579658",
"review_headline": "LG V20 Speaker Sound Quality",
"verbose_response": "Here is my review",
"review_date": "2017-06-28T14:54:27.937735",
"status": "active"
e) Not In clause:
API End Point : http://localhost:2020/t_review_response?,e18905d4-5f34-4060-b7fc-fd919849e6ed
API Response:
"response_id": "d3f5841d-6d38-47a4-a60f-a9cf17653574",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"user_id": "fb8cfa0d-896a-44aa-9530-7517b9e5259f",
"vote": -1,
"vote_date": "2017-06-28T14:36:36.206623",
"status": "active"
"response_id": "ab7d479b-36ae-4b03-b23a-f883939e11ec",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"user_id": "40baf601-ab30-4f07-88f2-9b9f51d30c76",
"vote": -1,
"vote_date": "2017-06-28T14:36:36.206623",
"status": "active"
Note : documentation of postgrest list way to use other common operators like "less than equality","greator than" etc.
Using Views in Postgrest:
Postgrest can also RESTIFY views.Lets create a sample view like below
CREATE VIEW vw_review_response AS
count(*) totalResponses,
sum( as votes ,
sum(case when > 0 then 1 else 0 end) as totalUpVotes,
sum(case when < 0 then 1 else 0 end) as totalDownVotes
LEFT OUTER JOIN t_review_response on t_review.review_id = t_review_response.review_id
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE vw_review_response TO mypgusername;
API End Point:http://localhost:2020/vw_review_response
API Response:
"review_headline": "LG V20 battery backup",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"totalresponses": 128,
"votes": 2,
"totalupvotes": 65,
"totaldownvotes": 63
"review_headline": "LG V20 Speaker Sound Quality",
"review_id": "016b0891-5411-4f40-b0f9-c6a036f309f9",
"totalresponses": 64,
"votes": 128,
"totalupvotes": 64,
"totaldownvotes": 0
Select Specific Columns:
We can also select only specific columns from table.In below request we will read 3 columns only, namely review_headline,totalupvotes,totaldownvotes.
API End Point:http://localhost:2020/vw_review_response?select=review_headline,totalupvotes,totaldownvotes
API Response:
"review_headline": "LG V20 battery backup",
"totalupvotes": 65,
"totaldownvotes": 63
"review_headline": "LG V20 Speaker Sound Quality",
"totalupvotes": 64,
"totaldownvotes": 0
Ordering Rows:
we can order the result set using order param,Here our sort order is totalupvotes ascending & totaldownvotes descending.
API End Point:http://localhost:2020/vw_review_response?order=totalupvotes.asc,totaldownvotes.desc
API Response:
"review_headline": "LG V20 Speaker Sound Quality",
"review_id": "016b0891-5411-4f40-b0f9-c6a036f309f9",
"totalresponses": 64,
"votes": 128,
"totalupvotes": 64,
"totaldownvotes": 0
"review_headline": "LG V20 battery backup",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"totalresponses": 128,
"votes": 2,
"totalupvotes": 65,
"totaldownvotes": 63
Limiting Numbers of rows in Result set:
In Postgrest you can add header in http request to limit number of rows as follows
API End point:http://localhost:2020/t_review_response
Request Header:
Range : 0-4
API Response:
"response_id": "cc19414f-449d-447b-a1ae-d741f2f4e05d",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"user_id": "9b7f5b2d-b35a-4a53-bd50-6b0a69784dad",
"vote": 1,
"vote_date": "2017-06-28T14:36:36.206623",
"status": "active"
"response_id": "e18905d4-5f34-4060-b7fc-fd919849e6ed",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"user_id": "9dd246a6-cf01-4df5-b259-68ca153bdda9",
"vote": -1,
"vote_date": "2017-06-28T14:36:36.206623",
"status": "active"
"response_id": "d3f5841d-6d38-47a4-a60f-a9cf17653574",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"user_id": "fb8cfa0d-896a-44aa-9530-7517b9e5259f",
"vote": -1,
"vote_date": "2017-06-28T14:36:36.206623",
"status": "active"
"response_id": "ab7d479b-36ae-4b03-b23a-f883939e11ec",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"user_id": "40baf601-ab30-4f07-88f2-9b9f51d30c76",
"vote": -1,
"vote_date": "2017-06-28T14:36:36.206623",
"status": "active"
"response_id": "b772deb7-5b5b-4db8-966a-d7ec8b14aceb",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"user_id": "1900cbb5-6b1f-4cf4-b7d8-ecbc9bce3e42",
"vote": -1,
"vote_date": "2017-06-28T14:36:36.206623",
"status": "active"
Note:The Range:0-4 gives five rows the counting begins at zero.
To know total number of record along with effect of server side pagination. we need to have additional header
we are using CURL tool on linux terminal to test the functionality as below.
Request: curl -i -H "Range:0-4" -H "Prefer:count=exact" http://localhost:2020/t_review_response
HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2017 13:40:21 GMT
Server: postgrest/
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Range: 0-4/192
Content-Location: /t_review_response
In response header we got "Content-Range" as "0-4/192" that says that there are in all 192 record out of which we are selecting 5 records from 0th till 4th.
samething can be done using postman to see response headers beside body & cookie tabs.
Calling Stored Procedure:
To demonstrate how we can call stored procedure through postgrest we will create a sample Stored procedure as follows
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fn_get_review_response(p_review_id uuid)
RETURNS TABLE (headline varchar, review_id uuid,totalresponses bigint,votes bigint,totalupvotes bigint,totaldownvotes bigint)
AS $$
count(*) totalResponses,
sum( as votes ,
sum(case when > 0 then 1 else 0 end) as totalUpVotes,
sum(case when < 0 then 1 else 0 end) as totalDownVotes
LEFT OUTER JOIN t_review_response on t_review.review_id = t_review_response.review_id
t_review_response.review_id = p_review_id
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
may need to grant access to user through which postgrest is being run
GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fn_get_review_response(uuid) TO mypgusername
Now we can call our stored procedure,stored procedures are exposed in postgrest under "/rpc".
You can use "Postman" extension to test POST API.
API End Point :
Content-Type : application/json
Note: Here I observed that JSON key ,need to be put into quotes else end up in error.
API Response:
"totalupvotes": 65,
"votes": 2,
"headline": "LG V20 battery backup",
"totalresponses": 128,
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"totaldownvotes": 63
We need to explore built in security aspect of Postgrest further.
First we will download postgrest( For my debian machine I am using ubuntu version of postgrest (postgrest-,Extract it and rename it to just "postgrest",You can preferably move it to "/opt/".
We can run it as follows from Linux Terminal:
cd /opt
./postgrest 'postgres://mypgusername:mypassword@localhost:5432/mypgdb' -a mypgusername -p 2020
Note: Here first argument is jdbc url to our postgres server."mypgusername" is database role & 2020 is port on which Postgrest will run.
role can be "anonymous".
We need some tables to check Postgrest functionality.Lets create below table
create table t_review
review_id uuid,
user_id uuid,
product_id uuid,
review_headline varchar,
verbose_response text,
review_date timestamp without time zone,
status record_status
create table t_review_response
response_id uuid,
review_id uuid,
user_id uuid,
vote smallint,
vote_date timestamp without time zone,
status record_status
Add some dummy data in both tables please keep in mind "review_id" in "t_review_response" should belong to "t_review"
You may need to give access right to this table to user through which postgrest is running
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE t_review TO mypgusername;
GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE ON playground.public.t_review_response to mypgusername;
As some columns are declared of type uuid,to generate new uuid in postgres we might need to add corresponding extension if not already installed.
Now we can read data from any table using GET as follows
API End Point :http://localhost:2020/t_review_response
API Response:
"response_id": "cc19414f-449d-447b-a1ae-d741f2f4e05d",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"user_id": "9b7f5b2d-b35a-4a53-bd50-6b0a69784dad",
"vote": 1,
"vote_date": "2017-06-28T14:36:36.206623",
"status": "active"
"response_id": "e18905d4-5f34-4060-b7fc-fd919849e6ed",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"user_id": "9dd246a6-cf01-4df5-b259-68ca153bdda9",
"vote": -1,
"vote_date": "2017-06-28T14:36:36.206623",
"status": "active"
Where Clause:
a) Equality:
API End Point :http://localhost:2020/t_review_response?vote=eq.-1&review_id=eq.8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9&response_id=eq.75320cf9-e5ca-4844-a2ae-ae6a44466fa9
API Response:
"response_id": "75320cf9-e5ca-4844-a2ae-ae6a44466fa9",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"user_id": "c7de1c3d-0172-44f2-ad92-88bb9eed1918",
"vote": -1,
"vote_date": "2017-06-28T14:36:36.206623",
"status": "active"
b) In clause:
API End Point :http://localhost:2020/t_review_response?response_id=in.cc19414f-449d-447b-a1ae-d741f2f4e05d,e18905d4-5f34-4060-b7fc-fd919849e6ed
API Response:
"response_id": "cc19414f-449d-447b-a1ae-d741f2f4e05d",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"user_id": "9b7f5b2d-b35a-4a53-bd50-6b0a69784dad",
"vote": 1,
"vote_date": "2017-06-28T14:36:36.206623",
"status": "active"
"response_id": "e18905d4-5f34-4060-b7fc-fd919849e6ed",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"user_id": "9dd246a6-cf01-4df5-b259-68ca153bdda9",
"vote": -1,
"vote_date": "2017-06-28T14:36:36.206623",
"status": "active"
c) like Clause:
API End Point :http://localhost:2020/t_review?review_headline=like.*battery*
API Response:
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"user_id": "4ace0309-b355-403f-9777-f046c157a9b0",
"product_id": "be4b2c18-3afb-41ec-9a6b-157be393eb03",
"review_headline": "LG V20 battery backup",
"verbose_response": "Here is my review",
"review_date": "2017-06-28T14:53:46.974368",
"status": "active"
Postgrest uses * instead of % in like queries unlike sql queries.
d) not like clause:
API End Point : http://localhost:2020/t_review?*battery*
API Response:
"review_id": "016b0891-5411-4f40-b0f9-c6a036f309f9",
"user_id": "7b326e04-3f12-45a6-9ec2-1015491fccce",
"product_id": "50514530-e1a7-4904-b4f4-4244d3579658",
"review_headline": "LG V20 Speaker Sound Quality",
"verbose_response": "Here is my review",
"review_date": "2017-06-28T14:54:27.937735",
"status": "active"
e) Not In clause:
API End Point : http://localhost:2020/t_review_response?,e18905d4-5f34-4060-b7fc-fd919849e6ed
API Response:
"response_id": "d3f5841d-6d38-47a4-a60f-a9cf17653574",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"user_id": "fb8cfa0d-896a-44aa-9530-7517b9e5259f",
"vote": -1,
"vote_date": "2017-06-28T14:36:36.206623",
"status": "active"
"response_id": "ab7d479b-36ae-4b03-b23a-f883939e11ec",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"user_id": "40baf601-ab30-4f07-88f2-9b9f51d30c76",
"vote": -1,
"vote_date": "2017-06-28T14:36:36.206623",
"status": "active"
Note : documentation of postgrest list way to use other common operators like "less than equality","greator than" etc.
Using Views in Postgrest:
Postgrest can also RESTIFY views.Lets create a sample view like below
CREATE VIEW vw_review_response AS
count(*) totalResponses,
sum( as votes ,
sum(case when > 0 then 1 else 0 end) as totalUpVotes,
sum(case when < 0 then 1 else 0 end) as totalDownVotes
LEFT OUTER JOIN t_review_response on t_review.review_id = t_review_response.review_id
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE vw_review_response TO mypgusername;
API End Point:http://localhost:2020/vw_review_response
API Response:
"review_headline": "LG V20 battery backup",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"totalresponses": 128,
"votes": 2,
"totalupvotes": 65,
"totaldownvotes": 63
"review_headline": "LG V20 Speaker Sound Quality",
"review_id": "016b0891-5411-4f40-b0f9-c6a036f309f9",
"totalresponses": 64,
"votes": 128,
"totalupvotes": 64,
"totaldownvotes": 0
Select Specific Columns:
We can also select only specific columns from table.In below request we will read 3 columns only, namely review_headline,totalupvotes,totaldownvotes.
API End Point:http://localhost:2020/vw_review_response?select=review_headline,totalupvotes,totaldownvotes
API Response:
"review_headline": "LG V20 battery backup",
"totalupvotes": 65,
"totaldownvotes": 63
"review_headline": "LG V20 Speaker Sound Quality",
"totalupvotes": 64,
"totaldownvotes": 0
Ordering Rows:
we can order the result set using order param,Here our sort order is totalupvotes ascending & totaldownvotes descending.
API End Point:http://localhost:2020/vw_review_response?order=totalupvotes.asc,totaldownvotes.desc
API Response:
"review_headline": "LG V20 Speaker Sound Quality",
"review_id": "016b0891-5411-4f40-b0f9-c6a036f309f9",
"totalresponses": 64,
"votes": 128,
"totalupvotes": 64,
"totaldownvotes": 0
"review_headline": "LG V20 battery backup",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"totalresponses": 128,
"votes": 2,
"totalupvotes": 65,
"totaldownvotes": 63
Limiting Numbers of rows in Result set:
In Postgrest you can add header in http request to limit number of rows as follows
API End point:http://localhost:2020/t_review_response
Request Header:
Range : 0-4
API Response:
"response_id": "cc19414f-449d-447b-a1ae-d741f2f4e05d",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"user_id": "9b7f5b2d-b35a-4a53-bd50-6b0a69784dad",
"vote": 1,
"vote_date": "2017-06-28T14:36:36.206623",
"status": "active"
"response_id": "e18905d4-5f34-4060-b7fc-fd919849e6ed",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"user_id": "9dd246a6-cf01-4df5-b259-68ca153bdda9",
"vote": -1,
"vote_date": "2017-06-28T14:36:36.206623",
"status": "active"
"response_id": "d3f5841d-6d38-47a4-a60f-a9cf17653574",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"user_id": "fb8cfa0d-896a-44aa-9530-7517b9e5259f",
"vote": -1,
"vote_date": "2017-06-28T14:36:36.206623",
"status": "active"
"response_id": "ab7d479b-36ae-4b03-b23a-f883939e11ec",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"user_id": "40baf601-ab30-4f07-88f2-9b9f51d30c76",
"vote": -1,
"vote_date": "2017-06-28T14:36:36.206623",
"status": "active"
"response_id": "b772deb7-5b5b-4db8-966a-d7ec8b14aceb",
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"user_id": "1900cbb5-6b1f-4cf4-b7d8-ecbc9bce3e42",
"vote": -1,
"vote_date": "2017-06-28T14:36:36.206623",
"status": "active"
Note:The Range:0-4 gives five rows the counting begins at zero.
To know total number of record along with effect of server side pagination. we need to have additional header
we are using CURL tool on linux terminal to test the functionality as below.
Request: curl -i -H "Range:0-4" -H "Prefer:count=exact" http://localhost:2020/t_review_response
HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2017 13:40:21 GMT
Server: postgrest/
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Range: 0-4/192
Content-Location: /t_review_response
In response header we got "Content-Range" as "0-4/192" that says that there are in all 192 record out of which we are selecting 5 records from 0th till 4th.
samething can be done using postman to see response headers beside body & cookie tabs.
Calling Stored Procedure:
To demonstrate how we can call stored procedure through postgrest we will create a sample Stored procedure as follows
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fn_get_review_response(p_review_id uuid)
RETURNS TABLE (headline varchar, review_id uuid,totalresponses bigint,votes bigint,totalupvotes bigint,totaldownvotes bigint)
AS $$
count(*) totalResponses,
sum( as votes ,
sum(case when > 0 then 1 else 0 end) as totalUpVotes,
sum(case when < 0 then 1 else 0 end) as totalDownVotes
LEFT OUTER JOIN t_review_response on t_review.review_id = t_review_response.review_id
t_review_response.review_id = p_review_id
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
may need to grant access to user through which postgrest is being run
GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fn_get_review_response(uuid) TO mypgusername
Now we can call our stored procedure,stored procedures are exposed in postgrest under "/rpc".
You can use "Postman" extension to test POST API.
API End Point :
Content-Type : application/json
Note: Here I observed that JSON key ,need to be put into quotes else end up in error.
API Response:
"totalupvotes": 65,
"votes": 2,
"headline": "LG V20 battery backup",
"totalresponses": 128,
"review_id": "8e03e047-7eea-4725-8e5d-5c3dded7c0b9",
"totaldownvotes": 63
We need to explore built in security aspect of Postgrest further.
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