In Gambas design a Form as Below, I am adding a TextBox,A command Button and a gridview.
Create a database table as follows
CREATE TABLE public.xproducts
id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('"Products_id_seq"'::regclass),
name character varying(50) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT "Products_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id)
inside code behind I wrote a function for initialization of database connection
Public Procedure Connect()
$Con.Close() ' Close the connection
$Con.Type = "postgresql" ' Type of connection
$Con.Host = "localhost" ' Name of the server
$Con.Login = "xdba" ' User's name for the connection
$Con.Port = "5432" ' Port to use in the connection, usually 3306
$Con.Name = "sangram" ' Name of the database we want to use
$Con.Password = "sangram" ' User's password
$Con.Open() ' Open the connection
Now we will write a subroutine for populating Gridview
Public Sub LoadAll()
Dim $Result As Result
Dim $Field As ResultField
Dim $rowCount As Integer = 0
Dim $Query As String
$Query = "SELECT * FROM xproducts"
$Result = FMain.$Con.Exec($Query)
'define layout
'define the gridview layout
GridView1.header = GridView.Horizontal
GridView1.grid = True
GridView1.Rows.count = $Result.Count + 1
GridView1.Columns.count = 2
'column headers
GridView1.Columns[0].text = "Id"
GridView1.Columns[1].text = "Name"
'column width
GridView1.Columns[0].width = 100
GridView1.Columns[1].width = 100
For Each $Result
GridView1[$rowCount, 0].Text = $Result!id
GridView1[$rowCount, 1].Text = $Result!name
'Message.Info($Result!id & " " & $Result!name)
$rowCount = $rowCount + 1
On Click of Button wrote code to Insert record into database as follows
Public Sub BtnSave_Click()
Dim $Result As Result
Dim $name As String
Dim $Product As String
$name = TxtName.Text
Dim $Query As String
$Query = "INSERT INTO XProducts(name)VALUES('" & $name & "')"
$Result = FMain.$Con.Exec($Query)
Here $Con is connection defined globally outside of all subroutines as follows
Public $Con As New Connection
In Button Click event handler we are inserting record & then populate gridview with all records.
To load gridview at page load I am doing following
Public Sub Form_Open()
When we run our project Form looks like below
Code sample for this project can be viewed at
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