Usually when we install Visual Studio for say node.js or
angular or react developement we need to install multiple
VS-Code Extension.
If you have to setup multiple machines with same configuration
doing same task on multiple systems is boaring & kind of tidious.
One can automate installtion of VS-Code Extension using Bash(.sh) or Window
As I am planning to do developement on node.js/express.js & Angular.
List of Required/Desirable Packages for Node.js Developement:
a)Node.js Extension Pack – A collection of useful extensions for Node.js development.
b)ESLint – Helps maintain code quality by enforcing linting rules.
c)Debugger for Node.js – Provides a robust debugging environment.
d)NPM Intellisense – Auto-suggestions for npm modules.
e)Path Intellisense – Autocomplete for file paths.
f)REST Client – Test APIs directly from VS Code.
g)DotENV – Syntax highlighting for .env files.
List of Required/Desirable Packages for Angular Extensions:
a)Angular Language Service – Provides Angular-specific IntelliSense, navigation, and type checking.
b)Angular Snippets (Version 14+) – John Papa’s Angular snippets for faster coding.
c)Angular Schematics – Run Angular CLI commands directly inside VS Code.
d)Material Icon Theme – Adds Angular-related icons for better file visibility.
e)Prettier - Code Formatter – Ensures consistent code formatting.
Lets build script for this purpose.
To install the listed packages we need to run the following command in PowerShell
or a Window Command Line(cmd):
Window Terminal/Powershell Command:
code --install-extension waderyan.nodejs-extension-pack `
--install-extension dbaeumer.vscode-eslint `
--install-extension ms-vscode.node-debug2 `
--install-extension christian-kohler.npm-intellisense `
--install-extension christian-kohler.path-intellisense `
--install-extension `
--install-extension mikestead.dotenv `
--install-extension `
--install-extension johnpapa.Angular2 `
--install-extension cyrilletuzi.angular-schematics `
--install-extension PKief.material-icon-theme `
--install-extension esbenp.prettier-vscode
We can create a Batch Script for Windows say(install-vscode-extensions.bat)
Save this as a .bat file and run it:
install-vscode-extensions.bat file content:
@echo off
code --install-extension waderyan.nodejs-extension-pack
code --install-extension dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
code --install-extension ms-vscode.node-debug2
code --install-extension christian-kohler.npm-intellisense
code --install-extension christian-kohler.path-intellisense
code --install-extension
code --install-extension mikestead.dotenv
code --install-extension
code --install-extension johnpapa.Angular2
code --install-extension cyrilletuzi.angular-schematics
code --install-extension PKief.material-icon-theme
code --install-extension esbenp.prettier-vscode
echo All extensions installed successfully!
Run it by double-clicking the .bat file.
On Linux & MAC os we need to use bash/shell script instead of batch file.
Shell Script for Linux/macOS say(
Save this as a .sh file and run: file content:
for extension in "${extensions[@]}"; do
code --install-extension $extension
echo "All extensions installed successfully!"
Run it using:
chmod +x
Batch Script has been practically validated for on MS-Window 11
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