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Describe the difference between require() and import statements in Node.js.

 In Node.js, the require() statement and the import

statement are both used to include external modules
or files into a Node.js application. However, there
are differences in their syntax and behavior. Here's
an explanation of the differences between require()
and import statements in Node.js:


require(): The require() statement uses CommonJS syntax
and is the traditional way of importing modules in Node.js.
It follows the format

const module = require('module-name');,

where module-name is the name of the module or the path to
the file being imported.
import: The import statement uses ES modules (ESM) syntax, introduced in
ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) and later versions. It follows the format

import module from 'module-name'

where module-name is the name of the module
or the path to the file being imported.
Asynchronous vs. Synchronous:

require(): The require() statement is synchronous, meaning that it
blocks the execution until the module is fully loaded and available.
It returns the exported values from the module immediately,
allowing you to use them in the current file.
import: The import statement is asynchronous by nature. It is designed
to work with ES modules, which are loaded dynamically.
The import statement returns a promise, which resolves
with the module's exports once the module is fully loaded.
As a result, you need to use await or .then() to access the imported values.
Support for ES Modules:

require(): require() is the traditional way of importing modules
in Node.js, and it works with both CommonJS modules and ES modules.
It is compatible with older versions of Node.js and can be used in
all Node.js applications.

import: The import statement is part of the ES modules (ESM) specification
and is only supported in newer versions of Node.js (from Node.js 12 and above)
with the --experimental-modules flag or by using the .mjs file extension for
the module files. ES modules offer features such as static imports and exports,
improved syntax, and other advancements over CommonJS modules.
Module Resolution:

require(): The require() statement uses Node.js's module resolution algorithm,
which looks for modules in the node_modules folder and follows a specific
order to resolve the
module path. It supports relative paths and can automatically append file
extensions like .js or .json.

import: The import statement uses the ECMAScript module resolution algorithm,
which is more
standardized. It supports relative paths and also supports importing
npm packages directly by their names
without specifying the full file path.

In summary, require() is the traditional synchronous way of importing modules
in Node.js,
compatible with both CommonJS and ES modules. On the other hand, import is
the asynchronous
syntax introduced with ES modules, supported in newer versions of Node.js,
and provides
additional features and benefits. The choice between require() and import
depends on the
Node.js version, the module system being used, and the specific requirements
of the project.

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