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Javascript :common ES6 features

Here are some ES6 features that I can understand and discuss:

Arrow Functions: ES6 introduced arrow functions, which provide a more concise
syntax for writing functions. Arrow functions have implicit return and lexical
scoping of this.

Template Literals: Template literals allow the embedding of expressions inside
string literals using backticks (`). They support multi-line strings and provide
an easy way to interpolate variables and expressions.

Let and Const: The let and const keywords were introduced as block-scoped
alternatives to var for declaring variables. let allows reassignment, while
const creates variables that cannot be reassigned.

Destructuring Assignment: Destructuring assignment allows extracting values from
arrays or objects into individual variables. It provides a concise way to assign
variables using pattern matching.

Spread Syntax: The spread syntax (...) allows an iterable (e.g., an array or a
string) to be expanded in places where multiple elements or arguments are
expected. It simplifies array manipulation, function calls, and object merging.

Classes: ES6 introduced a class syntax that provides a more familiar and
convenient way to define classes in JavaScript, following the object-oriented

Promises: Promises provide a cleaner way to handle asynchronous operations
compared to callbacks. They represent the eventual completion (or failure) of an
asynchronous operation and allow chaining operations with .then() and handling
errors with .catch().

Modules: ES6 introduced native support for modules, allowing JavaScript code to
be organized into reusable and separate files. The import and export keywords
enable the import and export of functionality between modules.

These are just a few examples of ES6 features. There are many more additions and
improvements in ES6 that enhance JavaScript's capabilities and syntax.

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