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Node.js:Does YARN allow us to find vulnerabilities ?

 Yarn does not have a built-in command to find vulnerabilities

in your project's dependencies directly. Unlike npm audit or Snyk,
Yarn doesn't provide an equivalent command to perform security
vulnerability scans.

However, you can use third-party tools like Snyk or retire.js
with Yarn to find vulnerabilities in your project's dependencies.
These tools work independently of the package manager and can be
used with Yarn projects as well.

Here's how you can use Snyk and retire.js with Yarn:

Using Snyk:

First, install Snyk globally on your system (if you haven't already)
by running the following command:

npm install -g snyk
Next, navigate to your Yarn project's root directory and authenticate Snyk

snyk auth
Follow the authentication steps to log in or sign up for a Snyk account.

After authentication, run the following command to scan your Yarn project
for vulnerabilities:

snyk test
Snyk will analyze your project's dependencies and provide a list of
any known security vulnerabilities found.

Using retire.js:

First, install retire.js globally on your system
(if you haven't already) by running:

npm install -g retire
Next, navigate to your Yarn project's root directory
and run the following command to scan your project
for vulnerabilities:

Retire.js will analyze your project's dependencies
and check them against its vulnerability database.

It's essential to remember that the security landscape
can change over time, and new tools or integrations might
become available. Always ensure that you are using the
latest versions of the tools and packages and follow best
practices for securing your Node.js projects. Additionally,
check the official documentation of Snyk and retire.js for
any updates or changes related to their usage with Yarn projects.

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